7 research outputs found

    Facilitation of the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises by software-aided planning and controlling systems

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    In den Vorarbeiten dieser Arbeit konnte der Autor feststellen, dass die meisten mittelstĂ€ndischen Unternehmen (KMU) Defizite in der Unternehmensplanung und im Controlling aufweisen. Viele erstellen zwar Mengenplanungen fĂŒr den Vertrieb oder die Produktionen, die Planung der Kosten erfolgt jedoch meist völlig unabhĂ€ngig von den geplanten Leistungen. Oft genug werden die Planbilanz, Plan-GuV und der Finanzplan auf Basis der letzten Bilanzdaten erstellt und nicht direkt aus den logisch vorgelagerten TeilplĂ€nen abgeleitet. Damit kann die Konsistenz der Plandaten ĂŒber alle TeilplĂ€ne nicht gewĂ€hrleistet werden. Ein weiterer Mangel ist die AktualitĂ€t der PlĂ€ne. Die meisten Unternehmen erstellen nur einmal im Jahr einen operativen Plan, der dann nicht mehr ĂŒberarbeitet wird. In erfolgreichen Unternehmen wurden dagegen zur Steuerung des Unternehmens kurzfristig (monatlich oder Quartal) sogenannte „Rolling Forecasts“, Prognosen oder Erwartungsrechnungen erstellt. DarĂŒber hinaus werden immer wieder Handlungsalternativen mittels Simulationsrechnungen geprĂŒft. Einer der zahlreichen GrĂŒnde, dass nach wie vor nur wenige Unternehmen eine professionelle, integrierte Planung durchfĂŒhren, liegt im hohen, manuellen Aufwand fĂŒr die Erstellung und Abstimmung der TeilplĂ€ne. Daher wird die Planung noch immer in mehr als 80 Prozent der planenden Unternehmen mit Spreadsheets durchgefĂŒhrt. Der Einsatz moderner und professioneller Planungs- und Controllingsoftware zeigt, dass gegenĂŒber dem Einsatz von Tabellenkalkulationen eine Reduzierung des Aufwandes fĂŒr die entsprechenden TĂ€tigkeiten von bis zu 70 Prozent erreicht werden kann. Durch die Integration der Unternehmensplanung und das Controlling kann Planungssicherheit durch SchlĂŒssigkeit und Datenkonsistenz aller PlĂ€ne garantiert werden – ein Vorteil fĂŒr die Unternehmen. DarĂŒber hinaus spielen ein integriertes Controlling und Unternehmensplanung bei der BonitĂ€tsbeurteilung von Unternehmen im Rahmen von Ratingverfahren nach Basel II jetzt und in Zukunft eine immer gewichtigere Rolle. Das Fehlen eines solchen Systems kann mitunter in einem schlechteren Rating, was wiederum zu ungĂŒnstigeren Kreditkonditionen fĂŒhrt, resultieren. Daher mĂŒssen kleine und mittelstĂ€ndische Unternehmen auch diesen Aspekt bei einer möglicherweise anstehenden Finanzierung beachten. Letztlich wird auch das Management sowie dessen Kompetenzen in diesem Zusammenhang analysiert und bewertet, da von ihm Ă€hnliche Wirkungen auf die BonitĂ€t ausgehen. Leider sind beide Faktoren einer erfolgreichen UnternehmensfĂŒhrung in kleinen und mittelstĂ€ndischen Unternehmen hĂ€ufig nicht besonders gut entwickelt. Sowohl beim Management und dessen Kompetenzen sowie auch beim Planungs- und Controlling-system bestehen starke Defizite. Der Autor verfolgt mit der vorliegenden Arbeit das Ziel, die Bedeutung eines softwaregestĂŒtzten Planungs- und Controllingsystems in Verbindung mit einer angemessenen Managementkompetenz fĂŒr die Unternehmensfinanzierung aufzuzeigen sowie deren mögliche Wirkungen zu analysieren und hervorzuheben. Im Ergebnis ist der Autor bestrebt, VorschlĂ€ge zum Aufbau zukĂŒnftiger Controllingsysteme zu erarbeiten sowie die Anforderungen an die Managementkompetenz mittelstĂ€ndischer UnternehmensfĂŒhrungen zu konkretisieren. Zur Erreichung des gesetzten Ziels wird der Autor zu Beginn alle im Rahmen des Themas relevanten Bereiche konkretisieren und ihre Bedeutung fĂŒr die Arbeit erlĂ€utern. Dazu wurden neben der klassischen akademischen Literatur in erster Linie aktuelle Fachartikel sowie zahlreiche fremde Studien verwendet. Zu den angesprochenen Bereichen zĂ€hlen hier die Gruppe der kleinen und mittelstĂ€ndischen Unternehmen in Deutschland sowie deren Finanzierungsprobleme, der Begriff der Managementkompetenz und der Aufbau von Controllingsystemen bestehend aus zahlreichen Controllinginstrumenten. In den Kapiteln zwei bis vier werden diese bearbeitet. Darauf fundierend wird der Zusammenhang zwischen den genannten Bereichen hergestellt und mit Fokus auf die Zielsetzung der Arbeit erklĂ€rt. Bezugnehmend auf die mittelstĂ€ndischen Finanzierungsprobleme werden dann die Anforderungen der Kapitalgeber an das Controlling eines KMU in Kapitel fĂŒnf formuliert. Nachdem die Grund-lage zum VerstĂ€ndnis softwaregestĂŒtzter Planungs- und Controllingsysteme gelegt wurde, stellt der Autor diese im sechsten Kapitel ins Zentrum der Betrachtung. Quasi Top-Down, d.h. vom Groben ins Feine, werden diese Systeme nun in all ihren theoretischen und praktischen Facetten analysiert. Letztendlich soll die Wirkung des Einsatzes dieser Software fĂŒr die Unternehmen im Hinblick auf die Finanzierungssituation und die Managementkompetenz ersichtlich werden. Zur Erarbeitung von VorschlĂ€gen fĂŒr den Aufbau kĂŒnftiger Controllingsysteme ist es erforderlich, diese auch an kommenden Entwicklungen auszurichten. Aus diesem Grund beleuchtet der Autor im siebenten Kapitel Trends und zukĂŒnftige Rahmenbedingungen im Mittelstandscontrolling und leitet daraus seine Empfehlungen ab. Besonderes Augenmerk richtet er dabei auf die neuen internationalen Bilanzierungsnormen IFRS for SME sowie die Regelungen der Eigenkapitalunterlegung von Krediten gemĂ€ĂŸ Basel II. Kapitel acht fasst die gesamte Arbeit noch einmal vollstĂ€ndig mit ihren Ergebnissen zusammen.In the preparatory work of this doctoral thesis the author found out that most small and medium-sized enterprises have shortcomings in their corporate planning and controlling systems. Most of them only prepare target quantities for their sales department or production department, but the planning of costs mostly occurs independent of the planned benefits. Often the budgeted balance sheet, the budgeted income statement or the budgeted finance plan is generated on the basis of the latest facts from the balance sheet and not directly from the logical upstream operational budgets. Therefore the consistency of the planning data in all parts of the plan cannot be assured. A further shortage is that plans are not up to date. Most companies prepare their operational plan only once a year and do not revise it. In contrast, the control of successful firms in contrast is prepared in short periods of time and by “rolling forecasts”, outlooks or forecasts to the end of the year. Beyond it, many alternatives are proved by means of simulations. One of the numerous reasons for not using a professional and integrated planning system is the high effort of preparation and adjustment of these plans. Thus planning is still executed by spreadsheets in more that 80 percent of all firms. The implementation of modern and professional planning and controlling software shows that time and effort can be reduced by up to 70 percent as opposed to spread sheet calculations. Planning reliability and data consistency can be guaranteed by the integration of corporate planning and controlling. Furthermore such a planning and controlling system is relevant for credit rankings in the context of ratings according to Basel II. The absence of such a system can lead to a worse rating result, which in turn leads to bad credit conditions. Finally the quality as well as the competence of the management of a company are analysed and evaluated. Unfortunately none of the factors of successful corporate management, a controlling system and appropriate management competence, are developed very well in small and medium sized enterprises (SME). Both have many deficits. With this paper the author wants to show the relevance of a software aided planning and controlling system in conjunction with appropriate management competence for corporate finance. As a result of his work, the author gives recommendations for the introduction of future controlling systems and specifies the requirements on the management competence of SME. To reach this goal the author starts by concretizing all relevant aspects and their impact for this paper. For this, the academic literature, current professional articles and numerous studies were used. The aspects are the group of small and medium-sized enterprises in Germany as well as their financing difficulties, the term “management competence” and the assembly of a controlling system composed of many controlling instruments. Later the author analyse the requirements of investors and especially creditors on these controlling systems for SME. The main part of this paper deals with all areas of corporate software-aided planning and controlling systems. Finally the effect of the software on the financing situation of a firm is shown. The author closes his thesis by identifying trends in this special software market and presenting further developments of the international accounting standards IAS/IFRS (IFRS for SME) regarding this software type

    Clinical practice guidelines for the prevention and treatment of EGFR inhibitor-associated dermatologic toxicities

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    Background Epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitors (EGFRI) produce various dermatologic side effects in the majority of patients, and guidelines are crucial for the prevention and treatment of these untoward events. The purpose of this panel was to develop evidence-based recommendations for EGFRI-associated dermatologic toxicities. Methods A multinational, interdisciplinary panel of experts in supportive care in cancer reviewed pertinent studies using established criteria in order to develop first-generation recommendations for EGFRI-associated dermatologic toxicities. Results Prophylactic and reactive recommendations for papulopustular (acneiform) rash, hair changes, radiation dermatitis, pruritus, mucositis, xerosis/fissures, and paronychia are presented, as well as general dermatologic recommendations when possible. Conclusion Prevention and management of EGFRI-related dermatologic toxicities is critical to maintain patients’ health-related quality of life and dose intensity of antineoplastic regimens. More rigorous investigation of these toxicities is warranted to improve preventive and treatment strategies

    Treatment of atopic dermatitis with tralokinumab, an anti–IL-13 mAb

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    © 2018 The Authors Background: IL-13 has an important role in atopic dermatitis (AD) pathogenesis. Tralokinumab is a fully human mAb that potently and specifically neutralizes IL-13. Objective: We sought to evaluate the efficacy and safety of tralokinumab in adults with moderate-to-severe AD. Methods: In this phase 2b study (NCT02347176), 204 adults were randomized 1:1:1:1 to receive 45, 150, or 300 mg of subcutaneous tralokinumab, or placebo, every 2 weeks for 12 weeks with concomitant topical glucocorticoids. Coprimary end points were change from baseline in Eczema Area Severity Index score and percentage of participants with an Investigator\u27s Global Assessment response (0/1 score and reduction of ≄2 grades from baseline) at week 12. Results: At week 12, 300 mg of tralokinumab significantly improved change from baseline in Eczema Area Severity Index score versus placebo (adjusted mean difference, −4.94; 95% CI, −8.76 to −1.13; P =.01), and a greater percentage of participants achieved an Investigator\u27s Global Assessment response (26.7% vs 11.8%). Greater responses were found in participants with greater concentrations of biomarkers of increased IL-13 activity. Participants treated with 300 mg of tralokinumab demonstrated improvements in SCORAD, Dermatology Life Quality Index, and pruritus numeric rating scale (7-day mean) scores versus placebo. Upper respiratory tract infection was the most frequent treatment-emergent adverse event reported as related to study drug in the placebo (3.9%) and pooled tralokinumab (3.9%) groups. Conclusions: Tralokinumab treatment was associated with early and sustained improvements in AD symptoms and an acceptable safety and tolerability profile, thereby providing evidence for targeting IL-13 in patients with AD

    Health-related quality of life with tralokinumab in moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis: A phase 2b randomized study

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    Background: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is associated with a substantial burden on quality of life (QoL). Objective: To evaluate the effects of tralokinumab on health-related QoL in patients with moderate-to-severe AD using patient-reported outcomes. Methods: This was a phase 2b, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-ranging study in adults with moderate-to-severe AD. The patients received subcutaneous tralokinumab or placebo (1:1:1:1) every 2 weeks for 12 weeks and class 3 topical corticosteroid cream or ointment at least once daily from the run-in to end of follow-up. Patient-reported outcome end points were change from baseline to week 12 in the Dermatology Life Quality Index (dermatology life quality index (DLQI); prespecified secondary objective), the Short Form 36 Health Survey (SF-36) version 2, and sleep interference numeric rating scale score (prespecified exploratory objectives). Results: A total of 204 patients were randomized to placebo (n = 51) or tralokinumab (45 mg, n = 50; 150 mg, n = 51; 300 mg, n = 52). Tralokinumab 300 mg every 2 weeks improved total Dermatology Life Quality Index vs placebo at week 12 (placebo-adjusted mean change, −3.51 [95% confidence interval, −6.00 to −1.02]). At week 12, both the mental component summary (4.23 [0.98-7.47]) and the physical component summary (4.26 [1.83-6.69]) and all 8 domains of the Short Form 36 Health Survey were improved in patients treated with tralokinumab 300 mg vs placebo. Sleep interference was improved at week 12 with all tralokinumab doses vs placebo. Conclusion: Tralokinumab improved health-related QoL in patients with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis, providing further evidence of the value of targeting interleukin-13 in such patients. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT02347176; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02347176

    Human skin dendritic cell fate is differentially regulated by the monocyte identity factor Kruppel-like factor 4 during steady state and inflammation.

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    BACKGROUND Langerhans cell (LC) networks play key roles in immunity and tolerance at body surfaces. LCs are established prenatally and can be replenished from blood monocytes. Unlike skin-resident dermal DCs (dDCs)/interstitial-type DCs and inflammatory dendritic epidermal cells appearing in dermatitis/eczema lesions, LCs lack key monocyte-affiliated markers. Inversely, LCs express various epithelial genes critical for their long-term peripheral tissue residency. OBJECTIVE Dendritic cells (DCs) are functionally involved in inflammatory diseases; however, the mechanisms remained poorly understood. METHODS In vitro differentiation models of human DCs, gene profiling, gene transduction, and immunohistology were used to identify molecules involved in DC subset specification. RESULTS Here we identified the monocyte/macrophage lineage identity transcription factor Kruppel-like factor 4 (KLF4) to be inhibited during LC differentiation from human blood monocytes. Conversely, KLF4 is maintained or induced during dermal DC and monocyte-derived dendritic cell/inflammatory dendritic epidermal cell differentiation. We showed that in monocytic cells KLF4 has to be repressed to allow their differentiation into LCs. Moreover, respective KLF4 levels in DC subsets positively correlate with proinflammatory characteristics. We identified epithelial Notch signaling to repress KLF4 in monocytes undergoing LC commitment. Loss of KLF4 in monocytes transcriptionally derepresses Runt-related transcription factor 3 in response to TGF-ÎČ1, thereby allowing LC differentiation marked by a low cytokine expression profile. CONCLUSION Monocyte differentiation into LCs depends on activation of Notch signaling and the concomitant loss of KLF4